Like musical inventions, sports inventions are not guaranteed to catch on and sell, even so hope springs eternal here in tv computer land, here are some recent sports inventions that may win the Olympics for inventors;

Baseball bat sound synth; the maker of the word famous Louisville Slugger bat sez though they make both lots of wood and aluminum bats, the aluminum bats make a wimpy sound when they hit one in the outfield so a module has been devised that fits inside the bat with a recording of a wood bat highly shock resistant that plays at the moment of impact, also plays answering machine jingles and the Price Is Right. (This has nothing to do with the arena, and the sound whirl, shboom, shboom and the national anthem and the arena wave But I've seen the Price is Right so often I had it mesmerized.).

Football Shoes that have gyroscopes inside to make it so you always kick the football just where you want! Also with GPS for christians to dance away from temptation!

Football Return Machine. Has a slope to always roll and return the football to the coach. Or use the roof of a house. The roof of a dog house if you have a pit bull, the roof of a cat house if you live in OR. Or if it's in the branches of a bush wait for earthquakes in Reno or shape her up in the coinwash with a hula hoop for celebration!

Virtual Indoor Golf. A ritzy hybrid of putt putt and computerized shots you hit indoors to a net but the picture inside your cyber headset seems real enough. the only problem is if the owner's wife hits 50 aces, even so she'll win WW II. and dying of lightning a blast of the past. Great weather 24/7. Coming soon, lawnmower Putt Putt so the windmill rises to higher altitude than here. What golf course does well without flowers, cheese, and ye old CMT!

 Ren Tin Ten was a higher up than Lassie. Rin was a war dog rescued in WWI. He went on the be MGM's top star in the business for the 1st 10 years, and could he act! All he had to do was act naturalwoof! He was rescued and got real reel to reel!

A dog star with a cyber map will now eat more memos!

Have you heard of solar powered light? Great! A solar powered heater! At night it reverses to an airconditioner! They have heaters in prisons for comfort, no wind ups, Just so the heater has a siren and lights on top!

Reader's Digest reports that some prisons are being converted to restaurants, after like in 1973 when Alcatraz was opened to visitors. Others like E.State Prison in Philadelphia and Boston's Beacon Hill have converted to businesses like Hotels. Just so they pay the parole at the cash register! The 2 dollar bill was discontinued there because of superstition. This is not so, actually it causes two time the luck to be twice as rich!

What's good about a beard in winter? It's a snap to hook and loop a coat to your face!

They now have brain controlled movies you watch by ECG's to change the plotline. Brain controlled? They'll never have this for TV. No brains are usually involved!

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