Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Real Comics From Real Weather Maps! When Is March This Year?

When the carplane will start even if it's a ship!
And if it's a yacht, "You're rich, You're rich!"
How to get rich with yatchts? Sales!

Brain waves may make your sleep images visual via MRI and software some Science Sites say. Fast asleep with a magazine under the cushion, high speed sleep learning!

Dogs can sniff out unfair situations and are jealous when the other dog is praised Austrian researchers reported Monday. Even so the dog won't or will sue the woman who lives with flower boxes up the street, she has 257 stations!---
I read in the memos where a drunk driver ran over himself after he fell out of his car with no serious injuries and the machine continues off, he says hopefully he'll recieve what he deserves for being moderately active!

"Choochy the Runaway poodle delays flights at Boston airport for 17 hours and 7 planes while they chased the pooch round."
Arf they will go into the wild blue yonder, in months!

"Relatives settled a 16-month cat custody battle in MO."
The egyptian goddess always wins, no doubt!
There are good herbs, a great herb would stop the dog barking and smooth out heat waves!-
If a realtor winterizes in autumn, what does a math genius do with cash and cones in March? He Summerizes!
Did you hear about that man who returned where he lived for business and a drunk woman was on the roof? The woman said, "7 11's are on the house!"
I saw this ad today, if you sweat in the heat it's great to wear a coat in Miami beach! You win more if the swimmers wear ear muffs!


What should you do if you can't find your SUV?

Don't consult your oracle, so she won't feel consulted! GPS is a trained brain map reader!

My math must be improving, I found out I didn't even know 3 8s are 27!

I put my writing in a book with broad margins to add in more by a line to the word there for editing, better than audio, audio has 'dom access! Always a copy! Plus comedy to add in via page and joke number, in the volume, my dutch is more pronunci-ocean! Thus, by this method, no joke is used twice, no recycling, an unwritten law for authors!

"Rich or poor, it's always nice to have lots of money!" And smart or dumb it's always nice alive or not, to reach the kingdom come and afterlife!

....So rich, he calls his maid via his 8000 number in another country country and zip, two zooms up!

What should you do if you're overweight? Find a cute luxury dermatologist, tell her comedy is good exercise!

What is a truck that carries vans? An original Van Go!

How to relieve jet lag?

Count sheep at 3000 mph!

We hear all this stuff about the housing bubble and global warming. Big Deal so What! To me it's like a Wave Power RV!

What's good for dry eye from typing in? Just watch more sad cinemas! A good cry always helps!

If you got tired hands typing it would be good to have gloves or a wrist band to stretch your hand out not just in while you type, who says you can't type with mittens on in the AC, with my reflexes right!

If you drop all your cash and then pick up all your cash and coins, who says the rich don't exercise more than the false sense of accomplishment biz rate!
